A Day in the Life with Invisalign®: What to Expect

woman holding tray of invisalign nashville

July 22, 2024

Written by:
Hillsboro Village Dental Team

Thinking about getting Invisalign® in Nashville but not sure what a typical day with these clear aligners will look like? You're in the right place! We know that the decision to straighten your teeth is a big one, and understanding the daily ins and outs can help ease any concerns you might have.

In this blog, we’ll walk you through a typical day with Invisalign, highlighting what you can expect from morning to night. From eating and cleaning your aligners to managing any discomfort, we’ve got you covered. By the end of this read, you’ll have a clearer picture of how seamlessly these clear aligners can fit into your daily routine.  

So, let’s dive in and explore a day in the life with Invisalign!

tray of invisalign nashville

Morning Routine

Your morning routine with Invisalign starts just like any other day, but with a few extra steps to ensure your aligners are clean and your teeth stay healthy. Here’s a breakdown of what your mornings might look like:

Wake Up and Remove Your Aligners

As soon as you wake up, the first thing you’ll want to do is remove your Invisalign aligners. Since you’ve been wearing them all night, they may have a bit of morning breath on them. Removing them first thing allows you to give them a good clean and start your day with fresh breath.

Brush Your Teeth

Before you even think about popping those aligners back in, see to it you brush your teeth thoroughly. This not only keeps your mouth clean, but also ensures no food particles or bacteria get trapped between your teeth and the aligners, which could lead to cavities or bad breath.

Clean Your Aligners

Next, give your aligners a good rinse and brush. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and clear, unscented antibacterial soap or Invisalign cleaning crystals. Avoid using toothpaste, as it can be too abrasive and scratch the aligners. Cleaning your aligners helps to remove any built-up bacteria and keeps them looking clear and fresh.

Breakfast Time

One of the best things about Invisalign is that you can eat whatever you want without worrying about damaging your braces. However, you must always remove them before eating to stop food from getting stuck in the aligners and prevent stains.

After breakfast, make it a habit to brush your teeth again before putting your aligners back in. This double brushing routine might seem like a lot at first, but it’s crucial for maintaining oral hygiene and the effectiveness of your treatment.

Midday Routine

As your day progresses, you’ll find that having Invisalign doesn’t disrupt your routine too much. Here’s what you can expect during the midday hours:


Just like at breakfast, you’ll need to remove your aligners before eating lunch. This is the perfect time to store them in the case provided to prevent losing them or accidentally throwing them away. After enjoying your meal, it’s time for another quick brush.  

If you’re on the go and brushing isn’t an option, rinsing your mouth and the aligners with water is a good temporary solution until you can brush properly.

Staying Hydrated

One of the simplest yet important aspects of wearing Invisalign is staying hydrated. Drinking water throughout the day is beneficial for your overall health and helps keep your aligners clean. While you can drink water with your aligners in, you should remove them for other beverages like coffee, tea, or soda to prevent staining and sugar build-up.

Dealing with Discomfort

It’s normal to experience some discomfort, especially in the first few days of wearing a new set of aligners. This usually means they’re doing their job of shifting your teeth. If the discomfort is too much for you to handle, over-the-counter pain relievers can help.  

Also, you might want to do some chewing exercises with Invisalign chewies to help your aligners fit better and reduce any soreness.

woman holding tray of invisalign nashville

Evening Routine

Finally, let’s talk about your evening routine with Invisalign, which helps ensure you go to bed with clean aligners and a healthy mouth. Here’s what you should do before hitting the hay:

Dinner Time

Like any other meal, you’ll need to remove your aligners before dinner. Enjoy your meal without any dietary restrictions, but don’t forget to brush and floss afterward. Flossing is particularly a must since it helps remove food particles that your toothbrush might miss, keeping your teeth and gums healthy throughout your treatment.

Cleaning Your Aligners Again

Before you put your aligners back in for the night, make sure they’re clean. Use your soft-bristled toothbrush and clear soap to give them a gentle scrub. This helps remove any bacteria or food particles that may have accumulated during the day.

Preparing for Bed

After you’ve brushed and flossed your teeth and cleaned your aligners, you’re ready to pop them back in for the night. Wearing your aligners overnight is crucial because it gives them ample time to work on shifting your teeth without the interruptions of eating or drinking.

Tips for Success with Invisalign

To make your Invisalign experience as smooth as possible, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Wear Your Aligners for 20-22 Hours a Day

The more consistently you wear your aligners, the faster and more effective your treatment will be.

Stay on Schedule

Follow the schedule provided by your dentist for switching to the next set of aligners. Normally, you’ll switch to a new set every one to two weeks.

Keep a Travel Toothbrush Handy

Having a travel toothbrush with you ensures you can brush your teeth after meals, even when you’re not at home.

Use a Protective Case

Always use the provided case to store your aligners when you’re eating. That way, you won’t lose them, throw them out, or cause any accidental damage. Don’t wrap them in a napkin!

Maintain Regular Dental Checkups

Keep seeing your dentist for regular checkups to ensure your teeth and gums remain healthy throughout your Invisalign treatment.

dentist and man getting invisalign nashville

Are You Ready to Get Invisalign in Nashville?

Living with Invisalign is a breeze once you get into the groove of things. Your morning cleaning, midday adjustments, and evening care become part of your routine quickly. By keeping your teeth and aligners clean, staying hydrated, and managing any minor discomforts, you’ll find that Invisalign fits into your life without a hitch.

If you’re looking for a practice that can make your Invisalign journey as smooth as possible, look no further than Hillsboro Village Dental. Our friendly, experienced team is here to help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. Choose us for your Invisalign needs and let’s get that dream smile started together.

Schedule an appointment now!

*Invisalign®, the Invisalign logo, and iTero®, among others, are trademarks and/ or service marks of Align Technology, Inc. or one of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies and may be registered in the U.S. and/or other countries.